Sunday, June 27, 2010

Father of the Blogger

Every Sunday night we get together with my mum and dad for dinner. One Sunday I cook and the next Sunday my dad cooks. We've been doing this for the (almost) 11 years we've been married. Previously, it was the same chef line-up except the day was Saturday. (We're nothing if not reliable!). So tonight my dad was chef and I was glad that something raw and something barbecued made the menu in order to keep with my summer theme.

Tonight's dinner was a Caesar salad to start followed by barbecued chicken, roasted potatoes, and roasted asparagus topped with fresh lemon juice and paremesan cheese. For dessert I took over the remaining rice pudding from Tuesday night. However, I found the rice had taken on a lot of starch from sitting and wasn't as soft than when first made (mental note about this - clearly 5 days is too long to leave rice pudding in the fridge).

It will be my turn to cook next Sunday...I wonder what we'll have.

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