Monday, June 21, 2010

Official Launch -- First Day of Summer

It's here! The first official day of summer and my first blog reporting on what's for dinner during my summer in the raw.

Nothing says summer to me like a beautiful bowl of gazpacho so I felt compelled to kick-off this blog series with this cold soup as a starter. Unfortunately, the weather was so cool when I left work (in Vancouver) that I really wanted something warm. Of course, when I got home (to sunny Richmond) it was bright and warm and I was caught without having the right produce in my fridge. Besides, gazpacho really benefits from chilling for a few hours anyway. To try and make up for this disappointing start, I made a little fresh salsa from a Rick Bayless recipe from his Frontera restaurant. Just a simple Salsa Mexicana, but it made me feel better to at least make something that somewhat resembled gazpacho! Our main course was something left out from the freezer and warmed through. A great recipe I've got quite a bit of mileage out of lately when we've had company for dinner. It's Chicken with Figs and Olives from the Lucy Waverman & James Chatto cookbook "A Matter of Taste". It hits all the right notes: salty from the olives, sweet from the figs, acidic from the get the picture. We just served this over some brown rice to absorb some of the great sauce. And voila! dinner was served. I'm hoping for better (warmer) weather tomorrow to get things on track.


  1. That sounds delicious Sandra, but not as delicious as Chicken Coq au Vin :)

  2. Hi Sandra! Long time no see! It's great to reconnect through your blog. I'm really looking forward to your recipes! We've purchased a share in a CSA for the first time this summer so we're going to be overflowing with veggies. I always love being inspired to cook/prepare something new! :)

    All the best!
