Monday, July 19, 2010

Quick Quesadillas

Having a little white dog means he gets dirty easy and requires bathing. So tonight's dinner needed to be a no-fuss option so Mac could have a bath early enough to be bone dry (no pun intended) before bedtime. This meant taking care of Mac straight from work before rolling up my sleeves in the kitchen. So easy peasey tonight meant making Tempeh Quesadillas.

I simply steamed the tempeh in the top of a double boiler for 5 minutes or so then let it get cool enough to handle so I could then crumble it. I made a quick salsa by chopping up half of a white onion (and rinsing it through cold water - this takes the pungency away) and combining it with a 14-oz. can of fire-roasted chopped tomatoes, a 4-oz. can of mild chopped green chilies, a handful of cilantro (chopped) the juice of 1 lime and about 1/2 teaspoon of Kosher salt. Combine and you've got a nice tasting salsa to spread on the wrap (I use the Food for Life brand, which is a sprouted whole grain wrap) then add the crumbled tempeh, a little shredded cheese and chopped lettuce and you're good to top with the second wrap and grill until warm and the cheese is melted. To pretty-up the plate I sliced some yellow pepper into strips and cut an avocado into cubes and mixed this with a little olive oil and salt and served it alongside the quesadillas.

Tasty,satisfying, and quick.

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