Thursday, July 8, 2010

Running on a Full Tank

I've been a runner off and on for over 15 years now, but have been running steady for the past five years. I was never athletic as a kid, but got drawn into running in my adulthood -- and love it! I went from not being able to run to the end of the street without huffing and puffing to running a sub-2 hour half-marathon. The half-marathon achievement was all thanks to a great coach and group of runners I was lucky enough to meet a couple of years ago. We're a fun group and do an amazing job of encouraging each other. Although I haven't been running these past three weeks (because I broke my toe) it didn't stop me from attending tonight's get-together of my run group. We usually have a potluck party at the end of each clinic. This season was no exception, except our running buddy who hosted the evening went all out and he and his wife put on all the food. It was a wonderful spread with lots of lovely salads and offerings from the BBQ...right in line with my blog mission. It's always hard not to overindulge when the food is so delicious. I had much more than my fair share. Now if I could only go run it off.

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