Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Enlightened Eating

Tonight I knew I’d be running short on time, literally, as I was heading for a run with friends straight from work and it would be 7 p.m. (or later) by the time I’d reach home. For nights like this, my freezer is my best friend. This is when it pays to double or triple recipes and portion them out in containers to put in the freezer so my only job is leaving something out to thaw. Tonight’s dinner was courtesy of the freezer and my trusted rice cooker. A while back I had made the Lentil Chili from the Enlightened Eating cookbook (cover shown above). I’ve made a lot from this book as previously blogged and it is a great cookbook if you enjoy clean eating and a whole foods diet. The foodie in me is sometimes at war with the nutritionist in me, but I’ve found many recipes in this book to strike a harmonious chord. Great flavour, great nourishment. My two halves are whole.

I like to serve this Lentil Chili over brown rice for dinner and then use up leftovers by stuffing into a pita for a healthy work lunch the next day.

Lentil Chili (serves at least 8)
4 cups lentils (brown, green, or red)
6 to 7 cups water (2 of these can be tomato juice if desired)
One 18-oz. can tomatoes or use the equivalent in fresh tomatoes
2 teaspoons ground cumin
1 teaspoon paprika
½ teaspoon dried thyme
10 (yes 10!) medium-sized cloves garlic, mined
2 medium onions, finely chopped
1 to 2 teaspoons salt, to taste
Lots of fresh black pepper
One 5-1/2 oz. can tomato paste
1-1/2 tablespoons red wine vinegar or balsamic vinegar
Crushed red pepper (or anything else that will make it the desired hotness, to taste)

Place lentils and 6 cups water in a large pot. Bring to boil, partially cover, and simmer for 30 minutes.

Add tomatoes, cumin, paprika, thyme, garlic, and onions. Stir and let cook for 45 to 60 minutes, stirring from the bottom every 10 to 15 minutes, until lentils are tender. To prevent dryness, check water level as it cooks and add water in ¼ cup increments as needed.

Add salt, pepper, and tomato paste. Stir and continue to simmer slowly, partially covered, until the lentils are very soft (maximum another 30 minutes).

Add vinegar and red pepper. Taste, adjust seasonings, and serve. Freezes well.

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