Sunday, August 29, 2010

Salmon Run

It was our turn to host my mum and dad for Sunday dinner and I knew the main course needed to feature salmon as we're currently enjoying the best salmon run in 100 years! So down we go to the docks at Steveston to buy it fresh off the boat. Good luck getting anywhere near the water! The place was overrun with people who had the same idea -- especially at $4 per pound! Being fixated on salmon we ended up purchasing it in a store, but the end product was still delicious. There's no recipe here, just honest grilled salmon finished with some finely grated lemon zest and a generous squeeze of lemon juice.

This was served with a mixture of fresh vegetables - and I mean fresh - picked from my friend's garden just the day before: carrots, green beans, yellow beans, red onion. Once cleaned and coarsely chopped, I just put them on a large sheet of tinfoil, sprinkled them with a generous pinch or two of kosher salt, some freshly ground black pepper, a few glugs of olive oil, and topped with several stems of fresh thyme. Mix it all up with your hands, fold up the tinfoil to make a packet, and whack it on the barbeque...and dinner's ready.

I also need to mention we started the meal with a lovely Caesar Salad with one of the last romaine lettuces from our garden. I won't bore you with another recipe for Caesar Salad dressing. Everyone has several in their files, I'm sure. Now we're looking forward to planting up some spinach and other winter greens.

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