Monday, September 20, 2010

Fully Loaded

This Broccoli Slaw/Salad is fully loaded. It has so much going for it that it's hard to put it into a single category: slaw, salad, side dish, full-meal deal. The dressing has a nice surprise of using the dried spice ground fennel (sometimes labeled as ground anise). A lot of slaw recipes I have do call for thinly shaved fennel so interesting to still incorporate it, but in the dried variety. Another nice surprise is the flax seed oil in the dressing. As you likely know by now, I like to incorporate this oil in my diet, but need to camoflauge it because I can't stand the taste! There is quite a bit of chopping involved with this recipe. I make shorter work of this by utilizing my much underutilized food processor - and even get to use some of the slicer attachments! So without further adieu, here's the recipe:

Broccoli Delight
(recipe from Enlightened Eating cookbook with some modification)

2 tablespoons apple cider vinegar
1-1/2 tablespoons olive oil
1-1/2 tablespoons flax oil
1 tablespoon honey (or agave nectar if you have it)
1 teaspoon Celtic sea salt (or any salt you have, but preferrable unrefined)
1/2 teaspoons ground fennel

2 cups broccoli, chopped medium fine
3/4 cup red cabbage, chopped medium fine
1/4 cup red onion, finely chopped
1 rib celery, finely sliced
1 carrot, quartered lenthwise and sliced
1 apple, cored and diced small
1/2 cup currants (or raisins)
1/2 cup pecans (or other chopped nuts)
1/2 cup feta cheese, diced small (optional)

Combine dressing ingredients in the bottom of a large bowl. Add vegetables and toss to combine.

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