Sunday, July 25, 2010

Their Turn, Our House

Today was my parents' turn to have us over for Sunday dinner, but there was a little wrinkle. They're selling their home and have people coming around to view it with the realtor at 5 p.m. So our solution was to have my parents bring over all the food, wine, etc. and cook at our place - just as if they were having it at theirs.

We really should share with each other what we make for dinner the night before as we're almost having a repeat of last night's dinner: salmon, potatoes, but broccoli for the veg and ice cream for dessert, but with the addition of blueberries. The local ones are available in abundance right now and who can resist. I need to make a note to myself to pick up my usual 10 pound box of blueberries from the Sandhu farm over on Blundell Road @ Sidaway, which I freeze to keep me in blueberry smoothies and to use in baking muffins and quick breads during the rest of the year. I like Sandhu's farm for this because they offer boxes of berries already flash frozen. This way you just need to dump them into baggies and put them in your freezer. No washing, drying, etc. required.

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