Friday, September 17, 2010

Birthday Girl

So today’s my birthday! They do seem to come quicker than ever. Funny how when you were young people (older people) would tell you to expect that the years would fly by and you never believed them. Who knew they’d end up being right.

It was still a busy work day for me, but I managed to leave at a decent time in order to enjoy a nice dinner my dad prepared that featured a number of fresh herbs from the garden. Our starter was a Tossed Salad with Balsamic Dressing followed by Grilled Chicken with Dijon Mustard and Fresh Rosemary accompanied with Boiled Potatoes with Fresh Basil and Steamed Carrots & Green Beans with Fresh Dill.

I don't have any recipes to share as my dad is an intuitive cook and doesn't use recipes. (Unlike me where I rely heavily on all my cookbooks and food magazines.) Everything was cooked to perfection. Typically my dad will opt for mainly dried herbs when he cooks, but going fresh really made all the dishes sing. My dad usually does a good job, but tonight he did a great job.

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