Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Fridge Magnet

I think this might be what people refer to as 'the dog days of summer'. It's hot out there. The kind of hot that can put you off of eating (and that's a rare thing for me!). Forget stove top, forget barbecue, forget raw. This is the kind of day when you head for the fridge and eat cold. Cold leftovers are a wonderful thing. We ended up with a wide variety on our plate from the dishes prepared for meals over the past few days. I even managed to put together a quick gazpacho later in the evening so we'll have something cold to look forward to tomorrow.

This gazpacho recipe was given to me by a wonderful friend in San Francisco who enjoys having friends for dinner, but enjoys it even more when he's organized and not left with last-minute prep work for the meal, which is why he often turns to this recipe. Meant to be served cold, meant to be made hours before, and quick to prepare. It ticks all the boxes and it's not short on flavour either.

DG's Gazpacho (serves 8)
1 cucumber
½ green pepper
1 small onion
2 tomatoes
½ avocado
4 cups V8 juice or tomato juice
3 tbsp. olive oil
2 tbsp. wine vinegar
½ tsp. crumbled oregano leaves

Chop cucumber, pepper and onion coarsely and chop in food processor
Cube tomatoes and avocado
Add everything together and chill for a minimum of 2 hours

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